Angu Pastel Recipe

Angu Pastel Recipe

Pastel de angu is a typical delicacy of Minas Gerais from Itabirito. The fried pastry is prepared with angu dough (cornmeal and water), which makes it a very popular savory snack in Brazil. If you would like to know how to prepare pastel de angu, keep reading Specialfood step by step and try it!

Ingredients for making Angu Pastry:

For the filling:

 1 meat broth tablet

 300 grams of ground beef

 2 tablespoons of parsley

 150 grams of half-cured Minas cheese

 1 tablespoon of oil

For mass:

 1 meat broth tablet

 2 cups of cornmeal (240 grams)

 2 egg units

 1 cup of wheat flour (140 grams)

 1 tablespoon of baking powder

 wheat flour (for sprinkling)

 frying oil)

How to make Angu Pastel:

To make plain angu pastel, start by heating a strand of oil in a skillet. Saute the meat and cook until the excess liquid released is dry. Add half a cup of water and add the broth. Mix, cook a little and add the chopped parsley.

Then start preparing the dough. Boil 4 cups of water with the broth and gradually add the cornmeal, stirring constantly. Let it cook over low heat until the angu is firm and peels and the bottom of the pan is visible (approximately 20 minutes).

After the currant has cooled, add the flour, eggs and yeast. Knead well, sprinkle hands with flour, and roll out round pieces of very thin dough. Add the meat filling, add a little cheese and close the pastry, joining the ends.

Tip: After joining the edges, press with a fork so that they do not come off during frying.

Fry the traditional angu pastel in hot oil until golden and let it drain on paper towels. Your pastel de angu is ready to serve!

Did you like this recipe? See also how to make easy baked pastry.

Leave your question or suggestion in the comments and share a photo of your pastels. Enjoy your food!

If you liked the Angu Pastel recipe, we suggest you enter our Salty Pastel Recipes category. You can also visit a list of the best Brazilian recipes. You may be interested to read about the ceviche recipe with tiger milk recipe/ lomo saltado recipe/ peruvian alfajores recipe/ peruvian ceviche recipe.


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